About Jaguart

Musings on my personal journey through tech. Please forgive me if I go off-piste - my mind sometimes carries me to the other side of the mirror.
I've journeyed as a programmer, project manager, CTO and founder, through many years, (since the late 80s) mostly in private gardens. I've worked in the domains of Accounting, Insurance, Marketing and Investment Banking. I've led teams of one, and teams of 120 across multiple time zones, and disparate cultures.
I remember Gane and Sarson. I grok 3NF, hierarchical, network, relational, post-relational and object databases. I've developed on mainframes, super-minis, Solaris, Next, AS400, DOS, Windows, NT, NetWare and Linux. I've lit several variations on the LAMP stack and tickled a little MEAN. I was there for the early arguments about OLE, OO and TDD, patterns and anti-patterns, frameworks and beans, messaging and queues through black swans and grey. My fingers are webbed from writing for IE5 in 2015 and I'm still highly reactive. I've written front, back, middle, up and down-ware. I smile when I hear Nodies talk breathlessly about full-stack. I've hot-swapped, BGP'd and DevOped at LINX and private sister sites.
These days, it's more about -Ofun and -Otium, and I lurk with rakoons.
You'll find my meagre Github public doodles here - https://github.com/jaguart